Well I've started my second year of med school. Hard to believe I'm already here. We are studying our fourth division of neural science. Yesterday we had the clinic orientation for the first years. We divided them into nine groups and went over what they'd be doing at the clinic. I'm having a little problem figuring out where to sit this year. I wanted Erik and Kristi(who I sat with all last year) to move up to where Julie and her friends sit, but Erik said it would be too distracting. So I've sat with Julie the past three days, but I'm having separation anxiety form Erik and Kristi. But now someone has stolen my seat by them. So tomorrow I have to get there early and steal my seat back. I think I'm gonna try to swithc back and forth between the two groups. I just love Kristi too much to not sit by her ever. Erik is in my PCM small group this year so I'm excited about that.
On Today's Show:
Chelsea went on today about how Billie could never be her mother. Meanwhile Billie and Bo are at the hospital awaiting DNA confirmation that Chelsea is their daughter. It was funny because they are just gonna use the test results from thei previous blood transfusion. Sorry but that blood is long gone, they would have to draw new blood to run the DNA test. Kate went to see Tony. She let him use her cell phone so he called Sami to come see him. Sami arrives in a funny disguise-black wig and a slimming black business suit. She pretends to be Tony's lawyer. Kate and the police don't recognize her lol. So Tony gets Sami to help him with his plan to escape. I can't believe Sami is digging gherself deeper and deeper. Kate goes into use Roman's computer to look up dirt on Sami. Lucas catches her in there and pulls her away from the screen as Kate wheels back and they go back in forth a few times. That was hilarious. As Sami leaves Tony's cell Kate does recognize her. She yells out to Lucas, "Luuucas com here, Luuucas come see this" but of course Sami is gone by the time Lucas appears. Jack continues to hook Jen and Frankie up. So Jen and Frankie end up slow dancing in front of Abby, Chelsea and Jack. So annoying. Chloe continues to whine about her scars. Why can't Brady understand she doesn't want to have the scars at her wedding?
Amnesia patients: 1 (Marlena, but I'm glad she wasn't on the show today)
Dimera hostage count: 0 (All the hostages were freed and now Tony is in jail)
Doraemon The Movie
9 years ago
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